Sunday 10 October 2010

Day 1 - Kampala

Arrived in Kampala after a very smooth and efficient flight from London's Terminal 5.  Didn't get much sleep so am a bit tired.  As you fly in, you're struck by how green and lush everything looks - not surprising given that it's still the rainy season.  

Thankfully, it was pleasantly cool as I came off the airplane but as the morning has gone on, the heat and humidity are beginning to build.

Arrival at Entebbe airport was also very smooth and efficient - no queues, straight through passport & visa control and then into the airport terminal.   I managed to draw some cash out from the ATM before meeting the taxi driver who was going to take me to my hotel.

As we drove out through Entebbe, I was again struck by the lushness of everything and the occasional views looking over Lake Victoria were quite something.  Was travelling a bit too fast to be able to take any good photos.  It took about 45 minutes to get to the heart of Kampala - a big sprawling city but still quite hilly and green.  You can clearly see the colonial influence as you drive in.  Looks as if there is quite a bit of development happening.  There are a number of large shanty townships where many people live. The centre of Kampala has a number of large office buildings, an impressive mosque that was built a few years back by Colonel Gadaffi of Libya and also another rather impressive temple. 

My hotel (Bougainviller) is just the other side of Kampala and is rather nice as you can see from the photo I've posted.  The rooms have air con, tvs, large beds and huge bathrooms and there's wireless internet throughout the hotel.  There is also a nice bar, restaurant and pool and a supermarket nearby.   The mosquitoes are well and truly here though and so the insect repellent and spray has been used to good effect already.  I have just been to the supermarket to buy some fly spray to take with me tomorrow.

For the rest of today, I shall be looking through all the information on KICWA and thinking through how I am going to structure my first few days there.  However, don't want to be too prescriptive either and will obviously get a clearer sense of expectations when I meet with them face to face. I will probably catch up on some sleep too later.

I am making the most of the luxury today - the real adventure starts tomorrow.  I have to leave at 6am tomorrow to be at Kajjansii airfield for 730 - not that far away but weekday traffic is bad apparently.  I shall be returning to Hotel Bougainviller at the end of my trip before flying back to London.   May be a few days before I can write another post as access to internet likely to be limited.

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