Thursday 28 October 2010

Thursday..Last night

Feel a bit steam rollered today but feel the need to write something to close off the trip.   There are so many aspects to this experience that I'm not quite sure I've yet assimilated everything - perhaps it will be easier to do this when I'm back in the UK.  In reflecting about the assignment itself, I think I had quite a romanticised idea of it all when I first arrived - somewhat more grounded in reality now which I think is a good thing.  One could also accuse my initial views as being somewhat patronising towards the organisation I was to be working with.  As far as my views on the value of sending someone like me in, I think this has been reinforced by my experience with KICWA.  I do think there is real value in building financial capacity of community organisations and it's definitely needed if they are to remain viable and to ensure sustainability.  I also think there is need for transparency, robustness and accountability of organisational funding and these qualities should apply to organisations wherever they are based.  Funders should really be doing more themselves to ensure this applies.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on a successful placement and welcome home Stephen! Hope you're settling back into life in the UK fine. :)
